The Jesus Protocol

Learn the Jesus Protocol, a non-clinical intervention that heals rooted negative emotions like anger, rage, bitterness, and pride, along with Traumatic Stress, in the same process with very minimal exposure to the emotions. Allow your clients' lives to transform right before your eyes.

Romans 12:2

‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ ESV

Have you ever experienced temporary relief with a client when working on trauma and wonder why it comes back? There is an exhilaration when they share their journey, they feel loved, accepted and non judged. But when they leave they go back home and the emotions often return especially traumatic emotions.

What would it look like if your clients, or church members could heal trauma quickly, within 3-4 sessions with the Jesus Rescue Protocol. The Jesus Rescue Protocol a non-clinical intervention modeling the Peer Rescue Protocol (PRP) developed for Healing The Hero (501 C-3) The healing is measurable using subjective scoring metrics pre and post sessions with PCL-5 or PSSI-5.

How many of your clients or church members deal with anger, anxiety, shame, guilt or un-forgiveness? Do you know folks that can’t seem to let go. The process we use here is a non-clinical intervention called the Jesus Rescue Protocol modeling the Peer Rescue Protocol (PRP) developed for Healing The Hero by Tactical Resiliency USA. 

The key are the roots of emotions lodged in the unconscious brain, the powerhouse part of the brain where 90 percent of the brain power is and where the soul is seated.


Matthew 7:21-23

'Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ ESV

Pride, the deadliest of sins, affects many. Do you know anyone that is full of Pride even to the level of narcissistic tendencies or narcissism?

We can restore the Body of Christ on an emotional level.

If you are interested in training these are the

qualifications we are looking for:

  • Work with a ministry team that does not charge a fee for services, but can take donations. (License Exempt)
  • A licensed Pastoral Counselor (Licensed by a governing body)
  • A Licensed Professional Counselor, LCSW, Psychologist, Psychiatrist (Licensed by a governing body)
  • Nonprofit Organization working with clients like Healing The Hero and not charging a fee for services but can take donations. (License Exempt)
  • A government chaplain (License Exempt)

Costs for training

  • $2495- for the Licensed Professional Counselors, LCSW & Psychologists.
  • $1995- for Pastoral Counselors, christian nonprofits and government chaplains.
  • $1295- for a church ministry team member.

Training Requirements

Online self paced work, approximately 4-5 hours is required prior to the 2.5 days of Zoom for 20 hours.

The trauma work is completed on day one and part of day two, you will heal your own life experiences as part of the training and heal others in class.

The emotions work is completed the second half of day 2 and half of day 3, again you will heal each other in the class.

Soldier Broken Down Praying

Matthew 24:40

‘And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did to the least of these my brothers you did it to me’. ESV

Schedule a call with us today!




"I believe that the Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and true healing comes from God the Father.

I have been a Christian counselor for over 10 years. I am a strong believer in Christian Counseling, but honestly, I don’t want to do it without utilizing Trauma Resiliency Protocol (The Jesus Protocol) and Emotions Management Protocol (Faith Based Emotional Reframing).

There are various situations that prevent people from moving ahead in their healing. Trauma, distressing events, and being led by big emotions are among those situations. I have found these protocols to be incredibly effective immediately! I have the been administering them since September and would love it if people would believe that it would free them so quickly from what has been holding them back. Particularly, for people who don’t want to talk about the trauma, because it is so traumatic. This has been a powerful tool to release what has held a grip on them.

I told my pastor that this is the most life-changing thing for me personally, and professionally, since coming to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and experiencing the powerful transformation that has accompanied that!"

Mary Miller
Pastoral Counselor
Redeemed Christian Counseling and Education, Inc.

I can’t say enough good things about this program! I am a licensed Pastoral Counselor and I was looking for a trauma program to use with my clients and another Christian counselor introduced me to the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (The Jesus Protocol) & the Emotions Management Process (Faith Based Emotional Re-Framing) training tailored for Christian Counselors.

I have been implementing these non-clinical interventions with my clients and having immediate results. I am so very Thankful for a faith based protocol to help set the captives free, including myself with past trauma.

Luke 4:18

Thanks to Dan & Nick and all the ones who have poured endless hours into the program!!

Blessings to all!

Lisa Bowker
Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor
Murfreesboro, Tennessee