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"I have been a NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor for over 20 years. My heart is to see Christians walk in the victory Jesus paid for us to have on the Cross and in His resurrection. We do that through our relationship with Him, His Word, and through using the wisdom He releases to us for wholeness and healing.

Throughout years of great victories in my office, I still experienced well-meaning hard-working clients still not getting very far. The Lord led me to study and understand trauma, and how it affects the brain and a person's ability to be truly transformed by the renewing of their mind (or CBT).

So my question to the Lord was, Lord how do we heal it, how do we calm that overactive flight/fight response in the brain and how do we do it quicker than years of work? God always honors our desire to see His people whole and healed. He started leading me to the best trauma models around. But even though I was trained years ago in a highly successful trauma model, when someone introduced me to Healing The Hero and 22ZERO I had to know more!

Since we train Pastoral Counselors at our school, I wanted a model that all our pastoral counselors could be trained in and that truly set people free from trauma responses. The Jesus Protocol, utilizing TRP and EMP created by the 22ZERO founder, has far exceeded my expectations! I love it!

I can easily walk someone through this non-clinical model and rejoice with them as the trauma trigger disappears, while at the same time hearing the same great testimonies from our other counselors.

I have seen many who were stuck in their growth, free now walking in the fruits of the Spirit so much more now because the fears from the trauma response are not interrupting the flow of the Holy Spirit through them. I love this quote, "God is clearing out the debris and clutter from us so we can experience more of Him in and through us!"

Thank you Dan for following God as He led you to wisdom!"

Dr. Lisa Winchell Clinical Supervisor
In His Image Institute of Counseling and Training
N.C.C.A. Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor

"I believe that the Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and true healing comes from God the Father.

I have been a Christian counselor for over 10 years. I am a strong believer in Christian Counseling, but honestly, I don’t want to do it without utilizing Trauma Resiliency Protocol (The Jesus Protocol) and Emotions Management Protocol (Faith Based Emotional Reframing).

There are various situations that prevent people from moving ahead in their healing. Trauma, distressing events, and being led by big emotions are among those situations. I have found these protocols to be incredibly effective immediately! I have the been administering them since September and would love it if people would believe that it would free them so quickly from what has been holding them back. Particularly, for people who don’t want to talk about the trauma, because it is so traumatic. This has been a powerful tool to release what has held a grip on them.

I told my pastor that this is the most life-changing thing for me personally, and professionally, since coming to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and experiencing the powerful transformation that has accompanied that!"

Mary Miller Pastoral Counselor
Redeemed Christian Counseling and Education, Inc

I can’t say enough good things about this program!

I am a licensed Pastoral Counselor and I was looking for a trauma program to use with my clients and another Christian counselor introduced me to the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (The Jesus Protocol) & the Emotions Management Process (Faith Based Emotional Re-Framing) training tailored for Christian Counselors.

I have been implementing these non-clinical interventions with my clients and having immediate results. I am so very Thankful for a faith based protocol to help set the captives free, including myself with past trauma.

Luke 4:18

Thanks to Dan and all the ones who have poured endless hours into the program!!

Blessings to all!

Lisa Bowker Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

I’d like to say what a difference I’ve seen in my young adult son after going through the Jesus Protocol. He had been in and out of rehabs and jail over the last 7 years due to his drug addiction.

As a Christ follower I knew God could heal him and break the bondage of addiction and my son would go for several months being clean. Yet, something would always creep in and he would relapse while not knowing what triggered it.

After my son overdosed and survived God in his mercy orchestrated a meeting with Dan Jarvis the day after his overdose. It was not a one and done session. There have been 3 sessions and the words from my son were, mom after the second session I literally almost fell over after feeling like someone removed this incredible weight off me!

He has since stated he didn’t even realize the things he was carrying around. He said, he feels like he can recognize when a “trigger” is happening and now knows how to redirect himself vs. falling off the cliff.

I am so grateful for this divine intervention that God somehow orchestrated and for the subconscious healing that has taken place for my son. And from his healing it will allow other relationships to heal as well!

Thank you Dan for being obedient in what God has called you to!
